Mestna občina Ljubljana (MOL) se je odločila za prodajo zemljišča, na katerem trenutno stoji Hostel Celica. S tem se je odločila tudi za radikalno spremembo svojega razmerja do celotnega območja Metelkove. Ta poskus drobljenja in privatizacija predstavlja neposreden napad na celovitost območja in s tem na AKC Metelkova mesto, ta svetovno priznan kulturni, urbanistični in socialni primer dobre prakse, vnaša oblastniški diktat. Javno in jasno zato sporočamo: kapital in MOL, roke stran od Metelkove!

Se vidimo na Prešercu ob 9.30 v četrtek 14.12.2017!

Vključi se v proces. Za več informacij glej izjavo AKC Metelkova mesto.

(Odločitev za protest je zrasla iz ene od metelkovskih diskusij o prejšnji teden. Prejšnjo najavo tega protesta je FB izbrisal na točki, ko je preko 200 ljudi najavilo svoj prihod, čez 800 svoj interes, dogodek pa je delilo čez 120 ljudi. Ne pustimo, da nas sprega FB, MOL in kapital utiša. Objavljaj in deli ponovno!)

Hkrati s prodajo Celice potekajo procesi na sodišču proti osmim Rogovkam, ki jih MOL toži za izpraznitev tovarne ROG: kontinuum represije nad avtonomnimi prostori s strani oblasti je jasen. Napad na en avtonomni prostor je napad na vse - odgovor je - SOLIDARNOST!



Municipality of Ljubljana(MOL) has decided to sell the plot of land on which currently stands hostel Celica. This decision represents a radical shift its relation towards the entire Metelkova area. This move introduces an authoritarian element into the relationship between the municipality and Autonomous Cultural Centre Metelkova mesto, an internationally renowned example of a successful cultural, urbanistic and social practice. Let's make our position publicly and unequivocally clear: Capital and Municipality – take your hands off Metelkova!

Join us on Prešeren square on Thursday, 14 Dec,  at 9.30 AM!

Join the process. For more info read the statement of AKC Metelkova.

(Decision for a protest came out of one of the discussions on Metelkova last week. First FB event was erased on the point when more then 200 people were attending and over 800 interested, the event was shared by more then 120 people. We will not allow FB, MOL and capital silence us. Publish and share!)

At the same time as the Municipality of Ljubljana is rushing with the selling of the land of Celica, the processes against 8 people of Rog is taking place at the court. The 8 are sued by Municipality for clearing up another squat in Ljubljana Rog. Continuum of state repression against autonomous spaces and for touristification of city is clear. Attack on one autonomous space is attack on all autonomous spaces. Our answer is solidarity!

Z uporabo strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov. - Podrobnosti.