Za antifašistično Ljubljano: gradimo solidarnost in odpor
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal APL
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 07 Februar 2021

(eng below)
Ilegalna evikcija AT Rog ni zgolj na široko odprla vrata novemu valu gentrifikacije in socialnega čiščenja, temveč so jo mestni pohlepneži izvedli v času velikih političnih premikov, ki krepijo ekstremno desnico tako v parlamentu kot na ulicah. Še več, Mestna občina Ljubljana (MOL) s svojimi potezami tako rekoč spodbuja ekstremno desno sceno k terorju nad prebivalkami in prebivalci tega mesta, predvsem nad tistimi, ki delujejo v antifašističnih, antiseksističnih in antikapitalističnih krogih. MOL je z načinom evikcije in tudi s propagandno spremljavo tega nasilnega podviga našel skupni jezik s fašističnimi skupinami in dosegel tisto, česar slednje same niso bile sposobne: uničenje enega temeljnih avtonomnih in skupnostnih prostorov, ki ni bil samo branik pred nadaljnjo gentrifikacijo mesta, temveč tudi eno izmed ključnih vozlišč grajenja družbenega odpora proti politikam sovraštva in nasilja.
Tako ne preseneča, da se v mestu samooklicanega »antifašističnega« šerifa vse bolj bohotijo nasilne skupine, ki s svojimi provokacijami in pozivi spodbujajo konfrontacije in odpirajo še eno fronto boja, kar »antifašistu« Jankoviču očitno ugaja. Mestne oblasti so skupaj s svojimi »novimi« prijatelji odprle Pandorino skrinjico terorja, ki se od najvišjih struktur države, preko policije in varnostnih služb prevaja tudi na ulico. Še preden pride do ponovnih resnejših napadov, ki jih bo »antifašist« Jankovič seveda preudarno obsodil, je potrebno okrepiti stara in zgraditi nova široka zavezništva proti dvojnemu kladivu kapitala in fašizma. Tovrstni premiki v smer odkrite rabe nasilja v politične namene so v trenutnih lokalnih in geopolitičnih razmerah vse prej kot nedolžni ali začasni. Kar se namreč v temelju spreminja so sama »pravila« političnega delovanja in meje vladanja, kjer se utrjuje novi oblastniški konsenz, po katerem se pri uveljavljanju politične ali kapitalske volje ni potrebno niti na videz sklicevati na legalnost ali legitimnost. Zadostujeta zgolj sovražna propaganda in gola sila.
V tem toksičnem ozračju najdevajo svojo zaslombo tudi poulični fašisti, katerih interesi se v primeru avtonomnih prostorov in družbeno-politične opozicije skladajo z interesi kapitala in vladajočega razreda. Pri tem napadu iz več smeri, ki se bo po vsej verjetnosti zgolj še stopnjeval, nam ne bodo na pomoč priskočile institucije, ki so po možnosti tudi same globoko vpete v sovražno ofenzivo proti ljudem. Kot prebivalkam in prebivalcev nam preostane grajenje mrež ljudskega odpora, katerih skupni imenovalec je prihodnost dostojanstva, svobode in enakosti za vse. Ljubljana ne sme postati ekskluzivno mesto gospode in njihovih uniformiranih ali uličnih plačancev. Naj bo evikcija AT ROG in spremljevalni program razčlovečenja in nasilja svarilo ter hkrati dramilo za vse, ki si želijo družbo brez terorja, ustrahovanja in tesnobe.
Podrimo zidove sovraštva, gradimo mostove solidarnosti!
Ljubljana je antifašistično mesto!
Stanovanja in dostojno življenje vsem!
7. februar 2021
Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana
Illegal eviction of Autonomous factory Rog (AT Rog) did not only threw wide open the floodgates for the new wave of gentrification and social cleansing. The predators of the Municipality of Ljubljana executed it at the time of big political changes through which the power of extreme right both in the parliament and in the streets is growing. Furthermore, the actions of Municipality of Ljubljana directly encourage the extreme right's lust for terror directed against residents of this town, especially against those that are actively engaged in antifascist, antisexist and anticapitalist circles. The Municipality found a common language with the fascist groups both in its chosen mode of eviction and in propaganda that matched this violent endeavour and thus achieved what these groups are not capable to achieve by themselves: a destruction of one of the most important autonomous and communal spaces in the city that was not only a barrier against further gentrification, but played a key role in social resistance against politics of hate and violence.
It comes as no surprise that the city, ruled by self-identified "antifascist" sherif, is now faced with a violent groups that are growing in confidence. Their provocations and public calls to violence are building towards the confrontation they so desire and are thus opening a new front of struggle in the city. Undoubtedly the "antifascist Janković" has to love that. The Municipality has joined hands with its "new" friends and opened the Pandora's box of terror. The latter originated at the top levels of the state and is now trickling down to the street level through police and private security companies. New and more serious attacks are on the horizon, that the "antifascist Janković" will surely thoughtfully rush to condemn.
Before the attack materialize we need to strengthen old ald build new and wide alliances against the double hammer of capital and fascism. Clearly, in the context of current local and geopolical developments the latest moves towards open use of violence for political purposes are far from innocent or temporary. The ongoing transformation affects the very 'foundations' of the political system and undermines existing limitations to the exercise of state power. A new consensus of governance is being imposed on the society, the fundamental premise of which is that where there are interests of the state or capital to be pursued, even just paying lip-service to legality or legitimacy is now obsolete. Mere hostile propaganda and naked force are enough.
For the street fascists this toxic athmosphere is a nourishing diet. When it comes to the autonomous spaces and social and political oposition their interests overlap with those of the capital and the ruling class. Clearly the attack is coming from several directions at once and will most likely only gather pace in the near future. In bulding our capacity for self-defense we should not rely on the official institutions, some of which are themselves heavily embedded in the hostile ofensive against people. As residents and workers of Ljubljana we need to organize networks of popular resistance whose common denominator would be the future of dignity, freedom and equality for all. Ljubljana must not become a town that is exclusively at the mercy of the ruling class and its uniformed and street-level mercenaries. Let the eviction of AT Rog and the corresponding program of dehumanization and violence serve as a warning and a wake-up call for all that strive for a society without terror, intimidation and anxiety.
Let's break down the wall of hate, let's build the bridges of solidarity!
Ljubljana is antifascist!
Housing and dignified life for all!
7th February 2021
Anarchist Initiative Ljubljana