Za svobodno mesto, za antifašistično Ljubljano
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal AKC Metelkova mesto
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 09 Februar 2021

(eng below)
Klic k skupnemu angažiranju proti grožnjam fašističnih tolp
V zadnjem letu smo v Ljubljani priča vse večji drznosti različnih fašističnih tolp, ki širijo svojo nasilno retoriko do migrantk_ov, vseh drugače mislečih, umetnic_kov, antifašistk_ov ter odprte in svobodne družbe na sploh. Njihova izključevalna logika ni omejena zgolj na družbena omrežja. Vse bolj objestni_e postajajo tudi pri vzpostavljanju samih sebe v javnem prostoru, kar se nenazadnje potrjuje tudi s sobotnim prihodom t.i. Rumenih jopičev na Metelkovo, pozivi k njenemu uničenju in z ustrahovanji. Svoje neonacistične ideologije, tatujev, simbolov in pozdravov ne skrivajo več – gotovo tudi zato, ker se še kako dobro zavedajo, da jim vladajoče strukture nudijo varnost in legitimnost za najbolj ostudne politične ideje.
Tipičen dokaz tega sovpadanja je sinočnja intervencija do zob oboroženih posebnih enot policije, ki so po koncu mirnega pogrebnega sprevoda po nedavni izgubi našega sestrskega prostora, Avtonomne tovarne Rog, okupirale ulice v okolici AKC Metelkova mesto. Več kot 40 robokopov v spremljavi uniformiranih policistk_ov, je nato preplavilo dvorišče Metelkove, poskušalo vstopiti v klube in ostale prostore ter zastraševalo naključne mimoidoče. Razloga za svojo intervencijo niso podale_i, razen tega, da so tam zaradi končanega shoda, kar so kasneje spremenile_i v zgodbo o 'običajnem nadzoru' gostinskih lokalov. Takšen in tako množičen vstop posebne policijske enote v prostor avtonomne cone Metelkova mesto razumemo kot nedopustno ustrahovanje in napoved nasilja.
Za ta razmah politike sovraštva in nasilja so odgovorne_i tako tiste_i oblastnice_ki, ki so nestrpnežem tudi sicer po idejah blizu, kot tiste_i, ki se sicer rade_i označujejo za njihove socialno čuteče nasprotnice_ke in so denimo zrušile_i Avtonomno tovarno Rog. Ulične tolpe že iščejo nove priložnosti za sledenje zgledu, ki ga je dala ljubljanska mestna oblast. Zgolj vprašanje časa je, kdaj bo zaenkrat še simbolično nasilje fašističnih tolp preraslo v konkretne napade in pogrome, ki bodo usmerjeni proti strukturam družbenih gibanj in ostalim prebivalka_cem v mestu.
Zgolj ignoriranje, smešenje ali relativiziranje groženj, ki so jih že nekaj časa deležni številni prostori in posameznice_ki, ne bo prineslo njihovega ponovnega odhoda na smetišče zgodovine, kamor so jih naše_i predhodnice_ki sredi prejšnjega stoletja z globalnim družbenih konsenzom že poslale_i. Zagotovo se njihov angažma tudi ne bo ustavil pri najbolj očitni tarči – AKC Metelkova mesto. Če želimo živeti svobodno, moramo zato kot družba narediti več.
Zato v AKC Metelkova mesto kličemo k solidarnosti in vsesplošnemu družbenem odporu in angažmaju proti vse drznejšim grožnjam fašističnih tolp. Njihov pohod in nasilje lahko ustavimo le skupaj. Zato vsak_a zase in vsi_e v eno premislimo, kaj lahko naredimo, da jasno pokažemo, da so ulice Ljubljane antifašistične. Da fašistično nasilje, simboli, sporočila in diskurz na naših ulicah nimajo kaj iskati. Poskrbimo, da se bomo lahko po našem mestu še naprej brezskrbno sprehajale_i, poljubljale_i, držale_i za roke, smejale_i, ustvarjale_i, govorile_i, živele_i. Natančno take_i, kot smo.
Te bitke ne bo nihče izbojeval namesto nas.
Nevarnost razrasta fašističnega uličnega nasilja ni stvar prihodnosti, abstraktnih rešiteljev in hipotetičnih konceptov.
Odvija se tu in zdaj.
Najdimo se.
AKC Metelkova mesto
Ljubljana, 9. februar 2021
Statement of AKC Metelkova mesto
A call to face the threats of fascist gangs together
For the past year the various fascist gangs in Ljubljana are acting in an increasingly daring way. They spread their violent rhetorics against migrants, against those who hold beliefs that differ from theirs, against artists, antifascists, against open and free society in general. Their logic of exclusion is not limited to online social networks. In efforts to raise their public profile they are becoming increasingly wanton, which was expressed also in their recent photo-shoot-and-run visit of the so called Yellow Wests to Metelkova, in their calls for destruction of Metelkova and in ongoing campaigns of intimidation. They no longer hide their neonazi ideology, their tatoos, symbols and salutes - surely becasue they are very well aware that the authorities provide security and legitimacy to their efforts and to their most disgusting political ideas.
Monday evening brought a typical example of this overlapping as the heavily armed special police force overflooded streets next to AKC Metelkova mesto - a short time after the end of a peaceful funeral procession in the city center, dedicated to the recent loss of Autonomous factory Rog - our sister space. More than 40 policemen in riot gear then invaded the courtyards of Metelkova, tried to enter the clubs and other places and intimidated the passers-by. They did not formally disclose the reasons for their intervention, apart from saying that they came because of the protest that just ended and even this explanation was later replaced with the story of a 'usual control of restaurants and bars'. Due to the number of policemen on site and the manner of their deployment, we regard the intervention of the special police unit at the premises of the autonomous zone Metelkova mesto as an unacceptable intimidation and as a herald of future violence.
The responsibility for this rise in politics of hate and violence lies with those in positions of public authority. Both with those that share the ideas of intolerance as well as with those that would like to present themselves as the socially sensible political adversaries of the former even as they have just destroyed the Autonomous factory Rog. Street gangs are already on the lookout for opportunities to follow the example that the Municipality of Ljubljana gave. It is only a matter of time until the current symbolic violence of fascist gangs gives way to material attacks and pogroms against the structures of social movements and against other inhabitants of Ljubljana.
Merely to ignore, ridicule or relativize the threats that are directed against many places and individuals will not despatch them to the junkyard of history in what would constitute a symbolic repeat of what our ancestors managed to achieve in the middle of the last century and with broad social consensus too. Their actions will certainly not stop at the most obvious target - AKC Metelkova mesto. If we want to live freely, we need to do more as a society.
This is why AKC Metelkova mesto calls for solidarity, for general social resistance and action against the growing threat of fascist gangs. Their campaign and their violence can only be stopped together. This is why all of us need to think – both on individual and on the collective level – about what we can do to clearly show that Ljubljana remains antifascist. That fascist violence, symbols, ideas and discourse have no place on our streets. Let's make all that we can, so that we will still be able to walk carelessly through our streets, so that we will be able to freely kiss each other, hold hands, laugh, create, speak and live in this town. And that we will be able to do so as diverse individuals and communities that we are.
Nobody will fight this struggle for us. The danger of fascist street violence is not a thing of the future, of abstract saviours or of hypothetic concepts.
It is happening right here and right now. Let's find each other.
AKC Metelkova mesto
Ljubljana, 9th February 2021