Rogoletnica rogolucije: Vzeli so nam Rog, vzeli si bomo mesto!
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal AT Rog
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 23 Marec 2021

V tem tednu bi praznovali 15. obletnico Avtonomne tovarne Rog. A ker nimamo kje, bomo praznovali po vsem mestu.
(eng below)
Pandemija je pokazala, kako zelo škodljive in antisocialne so neoliberalne politike, ki se vodijo tako na državni kot na mestni ravni, saj prispevajo k poglabljanju stiske večine ljudi. Toda za peščico odločevalcev in njihove mreže se je kriza izkazala za veliko priložnost v uveljavljanju zasebnih interesov. Po enoletni izkušnji korone je prav tako postalo jasno, da sta kljub ekonomski krizi politična in finančna elita profitirali, pridobili še več moči in podpore represivnega aparata za utišanje protestov in ljudskega upora.
Še več, Mestna občina Ljubljana je ocenila, da lahko s sprego desne vlade in uslužne ji policije končno izvede izbris moteče AT Rog, ki je bila zaradi kritičnosti in nekonformizma osovražena tako s strani državne kot mestne oblasti. Korona kriza, lahko pa bi bila tudi kakšna druga, je za osebe na vodilnih položajih vedno priložnost za zahrbtne manevre, za katere upajo, da bodo ostali v senci vsesplošne družbene stiske. A kljub temu oz. ravno zaradi tega bomo še naprej opozarjali na razdiralno kapitalistično upravljanje Jankovića in Mol, ki se je še posebno v zadnjem letu izkazalo za nesmotrno in tvegano.
Spomnimo se, kako je bil videti center Ljubljane v času prvega korona vala - področje brez ljudi, saj ni bilo ne turistov, ne zaposlenih, ki bi jim stregli. Ta izkušnja mesta duhov je dodatno osvetlila neuporabno turistično infrastrukturo, ki ni namenjena prebivalcem, čeprav je bila zgrajena z javnim denarjem. Jasno je postalo, da je tolikšna odvisnost Ljubljane od turizma zgrešena, saj taka usmeritev mesta vodi v negotovost, životarjenje iz ene krize v drugo, povečevanje slabo plačanih oblik zaposlitev in izžemanje prekerno zaposlenih.
Kljub temu pa mestna oblast še naprej sledi svoji viziji elitizacije in "čiščenju" mesta. Na vsaki še tako majhni površini se gradijo elitni bloki z nadstandardnimi stanovanji, medtem ko večina prebivalcev komaj shaja s stroški položnic, z visokimi najemninami, podplačanostjo ali brezposelnostjo, marsikdo se mora celo preseliti nazaj k staršem, ki so imeli v nekem drugem času več možnosti, da so si lahko uredili dostojnejše pogoje za življenje. Ob tem se ogromno javnega denarja steka v "čiščenje" mesta in brisanje izrazov odpora proti taki politiki, kar je bila nenazadnje tudi AT Rog. Toda za Mol je važna samo zunanja podoba prosperitete - samo da se gradi. Toda za koga? Za sklepanje poslov s "zvestimi" podjetji, za gradbene špekulante in bogatenje investitorjev, kar vodi v napredujočo gentrifikacijo mestnih predelov, iz katerih agresivno izrinjajo navadne prebivalce. Z nami delajo kot s smetarskimi kontejnerji, odstranjujejo jih in jih nameščajo stran od petičnega očesa, pod zemljo oziroma na obrobje.
Prav tako je vsem razvidno, da se je v zadnjem letu življenje v Ljubljani preobrazilo v bivanje v permanenetni krizi, ki jo zaostrujejo represivni aparat in njegovi podaljški. Še nikoli ni bilo na ulicah toliko policistov, kriminalistov v civilu, inšpektorjev, varnostnih služb, redarjev, ki nenehno sankcionirajo in normalizirajo institucionalno nasilje ter obračunavajo z nasprotniki oblasti. Nadzorovanje našega življenja in vedenja ni bilo še nikoli tako razvejano in globinsko, nemogoče se mu je izogniti, saj se predpisi "pravilnega" ali "odgovornega" obnašanja spreminjajo iz dneva v dan. Ljubljana je za marsikoga postala neznosna za bivanje. Omejevanju svobode in razširjanju pooblastil oblasti, ekonomski in stanovanjski stiski, rušenju skupnostnih prostorov, kontroliranju in kaznovanju na ulicah, discipliniranju in zatiranju moramo narediti konec.
Z gotovostjo lahko trdimo, da bodo po precepljenosti sedanje ukrepe nadomestili novi varčevalni ukrepi. Zato si moramo svobodo in pravice izboriti nazaj. Dostop do mesta in prostega gibanja v njem je naš skupen boj. Rogovke_ci ostajamo v prvih linijah kjub brutalnemu nasilju oblasti, ki smo ga bili v zadnjih dveh mesecih deležne_i. Z vsemi, ki čutijo potrebo po odporu proti dandanašnji normaliziarani tiraniji oblastnikov, ostajamo na ulicah Ljubljane in drugih mest. Ne pustimo, da nam vzamejo radosti življenja, sobivanja v mestu različnih, raznolikih, vseh mavric in drugače drugačnih. Le skupaj lahko bijemo ta boj za enakost vseh, za skupnost brez zatiralskih odnosov in za brezmejno ustvarjalnost delovanja in bivanja.
Pridružite se nam na ulicah! Skupaj v upor!
Rogoversery Rogolution: They took our Rog, we will take the city!
This week we would be celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Rog Autonomous Factory. But since we have nowhere to go, we will celebrate all over the city.
In the last year the pandemic has shown us exactly how damaging and antisocial the politics of neoliberalism implemented both at the state and local level are, as they contribute to the ever increasing distress of the majority of the people. To a handful of decision-makers and their networks however, the crisis proved to be a great opportunity to promote their private interests. After a full year of the corona pandemic it has thus become clear that despite the economic crisis the political and financial establishment have prospered, gained even more power and support of the repressive apparatus in order to stifle protests and popular rebellion.
Moreover, the municipality of Ljubljana assessed that in cahoots with the right-wing government and its subordinated police force it could finally execute the erasure of the Rog Autonomous Factory despised by both the state and municipal governments due to its critical views and non-conformism. A crisis, be it the corona pandemic or any other, always provides an opportunity to the powers-that-be to carry out sneaky manoeuvres which they hope will pass undetected in the shadow of the general social distress. But despite that or rather precisely due to that we intend to keep pointing out the destructive capitalist governance of the mayor Zoran Janković and the municipality which has proven to be risky and aimless.
Let us recall what the Ljubljana city center looked like during the first coronavirus wave – an area with no people as there were no tourists nor employees to serve them. This ghost town experience highlighted the uselessness of building up tourist infrastructure that is not aimed at local citizens even though it was built by public funding. It became clear that Ljubljana’s dependence on tourism was a misguided strategy, since such an orientation leads to insecurity, lingering on from one crisis to the next, increasing underpayment and unemployment, and exploitation of precarious labour.
Despite all of that the city government continues to follow its vision of elitization and ‘purification’ of the city. Any surface, regardless how small, is used for constructing elite blocks of luxurious apartments, while the majority of citizens can hardly make ends meet due to skyrocketing rents, underpaid jobs and unemployment. Many people even had to move back in with their parents who, in another era, had better opportunities to achieve a decent standard of living. Huge amounts of public funding go into ‘cleaning’ the city and erasing any expression of disagreement with such policies, which included also the Rog AF. But the municipality is only preoccupied with the appearance of prosperity – it is imperative to build. But for whom? To make business with ‘loyal’ companies and construction speculators and to enrich investors, all of which leads to increasing gentrification of city areas from which regular citizens are being aggressively pushed out. They treat us like dumpsters: removing us and positioning us out of sight of rich visitors – be it underground or in the suburbs.
It is also becoming increasingly clear that during this year living in Ljubljana has transformed into a permanent crisis made even worse by the grip of the repressive apparatus and its tentacles. Never before were there so many policemen, agents, inspectors, security and bouncers in the streets who sanction and normalize institutional violence and take care of any opposition to either municipal or state government. Never before was the control of our lives and behaviour so widespread and deep. It has become impossible to avoid it, as the regulations of ‘appropriate’ or ‘responsible’ conduct change on a daily basis. For many citizens Ljubljana has become unbearable. This limiting of freedom and increasing the jurisdiction of government, economic and housing crisis, demolition of public space, control and punishment in the streets, disciplining and repression need to stop.
Freedom and justice are not simply a gift to be received, therefore we must find courage and invent new creative ways to win them back. Access to the city and joyful dwelling in it is our shared struggle. The Rog members remain in the frontline, despite the government’s violence unleashed upon us during the last two months. We decided again to put the judiciary to the test as well, while staying on the streets of Ljubljana and other towns with all of those who feel the need to resist the seemingly normalized everyday tyranny of the powers-that-be. We won’t let them take away the joy of living in a city of diversity, rainbows and differently different people. Only united we can fight this battle for equality of all, for a community without repressive relationships and for limitless creativity of working and dwelling.
United in resistance!