Refugee pride NoBorderCamp
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal
- Kategorija: Protesti
- Objavljeno 21 Julij 2016
21 julija 2016 je nekaj tisoč ljudi iz celega sveta, z dokumenti ali brez njih, protestiralo proti mejam in proti deportacijskim protokolom, ki se vežejo na sporazum med EU in Turčija (marec 2016) in se s tem odzvali na poziv No Border Campa v Solunu.
Poleg velike demonstracije, so se izvedle tudi decentralizirane akcije proti Švicarski, Španski in Filipiskemu konzulatu, gorele so zastave, izvedlo pa se je tudi več grafitarskih akcij po mestu. Ob koncu dneva so se vsi plesoč vrnili na lokacijo No Border Campa, s prepevanjem v mnogih različnih jeziki.
Pogoji v vseh centrih za relokacijo po Grčiji so kritični in v mnogih primerih nehumani. V Grčije je več kot 57.000 beguncev (po uradnih številkah), ki so razporejeni v več kot 40 centrov. Polovica teh je v neposredni bližini Soluna in število le narašča.
Mnogi so izrazili pomanjkanje pravne podpore in zdravstvene pomoči ter neustrezne sanitarne infrastrukture. V mnogih primerih primanjkuje oblačil, hrana, ki jo priskrbi vojska, pa je neustrezna na otroke. Situacija je tako neznosna, da bi se mnogi raje vrnili v Sirijo kot pa ostali v teh relokacijskih centrih.
Poleg centrov za relokacijo, je v Grčiji tudi mnogo zaporov. To so kampi, ki so povsem izolirani in zaprtega tipa in so bili v Grčiji ustvarjeni 2012 kot del sistema, ki sistematično deportira ljudi, ki jim je bila prošnja za azil zavrnjena.
The 21th of July 2016 some thousands of people from all over the world with and without papers protested against borders and the procedure of deportation according to the EU-Turkey deal (March 2016) answering the call of No Border camp.
Besides the bigger demonstrations there were also decentral actions against the Suisse, Spanish and Philippine consulate as well as flag burnings and graffiti actions in the city. At the end of the day everybody returned singing in many languages and dancing to the No Border Camp.
The conditions in the relocation centers all over Greece are critical and in many cases inhuman. In Greece there are more than 57.000 refugees (official number) staying in over 40 camps. Half of them are around Thessaloniki. And the number is still increasing.
Many denounce the lack of legal and medical support and the insufficient sanitation. In many cases there isn’t even enough clothes and the food provided by the military is not good for children. The situation is so unbearable that some people would even prefer to return to Syria instead of staying in the relocation centers.
Besides the relocation centers there are many detention centers in Greece as well. These entirely closed and isolated camps were created 2012 in Greece as part of a system to systematically deport people with denied asylum applications