- 1. <span class="highlight">SOLIDARITY</span> WITH UKRAINIAN SISTERS IN POLAND ...
- (Teksti)
- Today we tried to anwser a call for solidarity which came from our sisters in poland, asking for morning after pills for ukranian refugees stuck in the country. Since the start of the war abortion rights ...
- 2. Solidarni z ljudstvom Afganistana // <span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> with the people of Afghanistan ...
- (Protesti)
- ... the world, for access to asylum for all and a safe passage for refugees. For the collapse of Fortress Europe. VIDEO: Solidarni z ljudstvom Afganistana // Solidarity with the people of Afghanistan ...
- 3. Spain: Fresh Tom Export Workers on strike – <span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> needed! ...
- (Teksti)
- ... solidarity We need international support as this struggle is the same struggle that workers all over the world are fighting. From this understanding we ask you to keep fighting back and let us know about ...
- 4. Solidarni s političnimi zaporniki v Čilu// <span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> with political prisoners in Chile ...
- (Teksti)
- ... time and solidarity reigns on the barricades. In the territory occupied by the Chilean state as well as in Ljubljana - in solidarity against dictatorship of capital! ...
- 5. <span class="highlight">SOLIDARITY</span> TO MUNDO NUEVO SQUAT, THESSALONIKI  ...
- (Teksti)
- When we fight for anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist society, we fight for values of solidarity, freedom and radical equality. We feel empowered when we see others fighting for the similar causes. So ...
- 6. Solidarno s skvoti v Solunu/<span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> with sqats in Thessaloniki ...
- (Teksti)
- ... napad na vse, solidarnosti se ne da premagati z rušilnimi stroji. Enough of evictions and criminalization of solidarity! Autonomous spaces and acts of solidarity are again under attack, this ...
- 7. <span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> letter from the Right to the City Network Vienna ...
- (Teksti)
- ... we need urgently to struggle against these politics of neo-liberalism and austerity , which take place in all cities of Europe. As we face the same processes, also our fight for spaces of solidarity an ...
- 8. <span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> Action in Ježevo Detention Center ...
- (Protesti)
- 114446550 Ježevo detention Center, Croatia. 29.11.2014 114446550 noborderserbia.wordpress.com/ castellano/español: Cada migrante detenidx es un ser humano encarcelado sin motivo. Contra todas ...
- 9. <span class="highlight">Solidarity</span> Statement with the Resistance in Ukraine ...
- (Teksti)
- Friends and comrades in Ukraine: You are not alone in your struggle. You have said so clearly that this is end of the line for the thieves holding your futures, be they in the presidents palace, the ...
- 10. Vojna je tu!
- (Teksti)
- ... e police and the army, are working in unison here. In the context of 'allied solidarity', the Slovenian army in the NATO pact is contributing its piece to the mosaic of the deadly war against migrants on the Med ...
- 11. Ustavite vojno proti zapatističnim skupnostim
- (Teksti)
- ... Mexico in Ljubljana to express our outrage at the role of the Mexican state in the recent attack against Zapatista community and express our solidarity with the people of Chiapas. We send to the fightin ...
- 12. če se dotaknete ene, odgovorimo vse!
- (Teksti)
- ... us. we walk together, in sisterhood, solidarity and resistance against violence, angry and stronger every time. we are here because - again, again, again, again, again and again and again and again and ...
- (Teksti)
- ... for sex work. we mourn every sister murdered by a capitalist, patriarchal and racist system. our struggle is in solidarity with all the oppressed, against the existing order. no one is free until all ...
- (Teksti)
- ... swing in slovenia and the wider region. protesting and organising against it remains a necessary part of any anti-authoritarian policy. we therefore call for organising, both in solidarity with peop ...
- 15. FREE ALL!
- (Teksti)
- ... uggling (Article 308(3) in conjunction with Article 20(2) Slovenian Criminal Code), her solidarity-group has done a lot of research and gathered information from other groups. In recent years, the l ...
- (Teksti)
- ... provide basic humanitarian aid to the people on the way. the state of poland responded to the reaction of the activists by criminalizing any attempts to show solidarity with the people on the move and wi ...
- 17. klic k solidarnosti - zbiranje prispevkov za kritje kazni
- (Protesti)
- call for solidarity: ker smo shod organizirale srednješolke in prekarno zaposlene "mlade odrasle" je za nas dosti bolj kot udarec pendreka in metanje po tleh ter potiskanje ob steno nasilno ekonomsko nasilj ...
- 18. Vaše vojne, naši mrtvi!
- (Teksti)
- ... industry and military alliances are the problem, not the solution. That is why we reject armament and all other forms of strengthening the war apparatus. Our solidarity cannot be with the states, their ...
- 19. Solidarnost z zapatisti
- (Video)
- ... part of Balkan Route, in solidarity with Zapatista communities in Chiapas, against paramilitaries terror in Mexico. VIDEO: Solidarity with Zapatistas from Ljubljana Koordinacija za zapatistično ...
- 20. Brcnimo Rasizem 2021
- (Dogodki)
- ... is an opportunity to meet, integrate and build solidarity between different groups and socially engaged initiatives and people pushed by the existing system to the social edge. It is an open communit ...