- 21. Beautiful strangers! A day at <span class="highlight">the</span> sea. ...
- (Dogodki)
- Beautiful strangers! "A day at the sea." On 13.7.2016 PRFBM took 110 asilum seekers to the Slovenian seaside. IKzF3Cs8SQM Beautiful strangers! "A day at the sea." On 13.7.2016 PRFBM took 110 asil ...
- 22. <span class="highlight">The</span> tale of two cities ...
- (Prostori)
- ... prepuščeni sami sebi. qmXOcpyK0n8 The tale of two cities Idomeni je zaselek v severni Grčiji, ki leži neposredno ob železniškem mejnem prehodu z Makedonijo. V času Balkanske rute je postal ...
- 23. Izjava uporabnikov Tovarne Rog: (<span class="highlight">The</span> public statement of the assembly of the Rog Factory users - in english below) ...
- (Teksti)
- ... ki kot taka omogoča sodelovanje najrazličnejših ljudi ter eksperimente na presečiščih na prvi pogled med seboj tujih in nekompatibilnih aktivnosti. Our demands are clear. The municipality should ...
- 24. Solidarity letter from <span class="highlight">the</span> Right to the City Network Vienna ...
- (Teksti)
- In the „Right to the City Network Vienna“ several political, social and cultural groups and projects as well as urban research scholars are organized. Together we struggle for a just city, a city, where ...
- 25. Stop <span class="highlight">the</span> war against migrants! Terror on the SRB-HUN border  ...
- (Dogodki)
- Police and state terror on the border between Serbia and Hungry. On 16.09.2015 riot police attack peacefully protesting refugees, who demand the opening of the border and freedom of movement. Dfq2mbssMlM ...
- 26. smash <span class="highlight">the</span> fascist wall! ...
- (Protesti)
- The video is a short overview of demonstration, which took place in Budapest on 14th of July 2015. No borders, no nations, fuck deportations and walls! l-_c8aFiZVE Statement of No Border ...
- 27. Gender War & Social Stability in Xi’s China: Interview with a Friend of <span class="highlight">the</span> Women’s Day Five ...
- (Teksti)
- We are sharing the interview originally posted on the page: http://chuangcn.org/blog/ Many friends and associates of the five feminists detained on March 7 are still in hiding, but one was willing ...
- 28. Nine Days on <span class="highlight">the</span> Roof ...
- (Intervjuji)
- On the 24th of June, 2014 the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg made an operation called "voluntary moving"... 110312571 On the 24th of June, 2014 the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg mad ...
- 29. Vstajniške socialne delavke - <span class="highlight">the</span> movie (2014) ...
- (Propagandni)
- DIY amaterski samopromotorski in nekorekten dokumentarni filmček o delovanju feministične (women-only) skupine Vstajniške socialne delavke. "Skupino smo ustanovile z namenom dodajanja feministične analize ...
- 30. Appeal for <span class="highlight">the</span> Liberation of Bodies and Political Dissent! ...
- (Teksti)
- This appeal was originally published on Commonware. and has been signed by many of our comrades! In addition to English, it is available in Italian, French, German and Spanish on the website. We are republishing ...
- 31. Ano<span class="highlight">the</span>r Crime in the Asylum Machine ...
- (Teksti)
- It's somehow still unbelievable that happened... every time we encounter the absurdity of death in the asylum machine (and elsewhere) it's like the first time. One can never get used to this.... This communiq ...
- 32. Solidarity Statement with <span class="highlight">the</span> Resistance in Ukraine ...
- (Teksti)
- Friends and comrades in Ukraine: You are not alone in your struggle. You have said so clearly that this is end of the line for the thieves holding your futures, be they in the presidents palace, the ...
- 33. Criminalizing <span class="highlight">the</span> Body ...
- (Teksti)
- The connection between repression and the austerity measures is becoming more significant each time the state introduces new legislation, always including principles of authoritarianism, strengthening ...
- 34. We don't want a piece of cake, we want <span class="highlight">the</span> whole fucking bakery! ...
- (Propagandni)
- ... Europe to join the demonstrations happening in Slovenia. The Anticapitalist block made this call for March 9, 2013. Click "preberi vec" to read the whole call. brlzyjWj_IE Transnational Call to joi ...
- 35. SLOVO Komunal.org// GOODBYA Komunal.org
- (Teksti)
- Z globoko ljubeznijo do vseh, ki se ne predajo: vidimo se na barikadah. With deep love for all who fight the good fight: see you on the barricades. (eng below) SLOVO Komunal.org Komunal je ...
- 36. Vojna je tu!
- (Teksti)
- ... t je podpora premirju ali žalovanje za vsemi žrtvami. Pod krinko boja proti antisemitizmu so tarče napadov tisti, ki svoja imena in telesa javno zastavijo proti nadaljevanju apartheida, okupacije in genocid ...
- 37. Ustavite vojno proti zapatističnim skupnostim
- (Teksti)
- ... bojem junij 2023 Več info: https://zapatista.kompot.si/novice/izjava-junij2023 ++++ENG++++ STOP THE WAR AGAINST ZAPATISTA COMMUNITIES The news has reached us from far-away mountains of the south-east ...
- 38. če se dotaknete ene, odgovorimo vse!
- (Teksti)
- ... us. we walk together, in sisterhood, solidarity and resistance against violence, angry and stronger every time. we are here because - again, again, again, again, again and again and again and again and ...
- 39. Za pravice kvir oseb v Egiptu in po vsem svetu
- (Teksti)
- 13. junija 2023 ob 11.00 se bomo zbrale_i pred veleposlaništvom Egipta v Ljubljani za človekove pravice proti zatiranju na podalgi spola in apartheida med spoloma v Egiptu in po vsem svetu. On the ...
- (Teksti)
- v kontekstu globalnega dneva boja proti smrtonosnim mejnim režimom (missingattheborders.org/en/news/2022/6-febbraio-2023-migrare-e-un-diritto) smo na "kulturni dan" v ljubljani izpeljalx intervencijo pre ...