Solidarity letter from the Right to the City Network Vienna

In the „Right to the City Network Vienna“  several political, social and cultural groups and projects as well as urban research scholars are organized. Together we struggle for a just city, a city, where everyone can access to urban resources, independently from the amount of money or the colour of the passport he_she possesses.
But more and more spaces are becoming commercialized and privatized, are changed and „upgraded“ to fit to the need of business or the city administration to allure more capital and make more profit. Who doesn't fit to these plans is getting excluded, displaced, evicted.

The threatening of ROG from side of the city is one piece in this puzzle.But autonomous spaces like ROG are more than ever important to reflect and already put into practice, how a different, a city for everyone could be. It is a place where the last years an accountable amount of events have been happening, where people had the chance to come together, to paint, to party, to practice, to built up alternatives. Alternatives we need urgently to struggle against these politics of neo-liberalism and austerity , which take place in all cities of Europe. As we face the same processes, also our fight for spaces of solidarity and a just city is one common struggle. We are united in the belief, that an alternative is not only possible, but more than necessary. And we will fight together, to make it reality!

So we strongly reject the plans of the city of Ljubljana to destroy the autonomous center  ROG. The city is not your business! It is the place, where we live, love,  work and dance.

In this sense we support your fight to maintain ROG and dear city politicians of Ljubljana, be aware, that it is keenly observed in Vienna what is happening!

For the right to the city for everyone!

Right to the City Network  Vienna

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