(eng below)

O negativnih izrazih družbeno-ekonomske realnosti v kateri živimo in soočanja z njimi v avtonomnih prostorih.

Kolektiv Komunal.org je s svojim delovanjem del avtonomnih prostorov v regiji in zato se čutimo odgovorne, da se do nedavnih incidentov v AT Rog opredelimo na način, da tudi širše gibanjsko spodbudimo razpravo o naših medsebojnih odnosih in skupnostnih dinamikah, ki iz tega sledijo.

V naši viziji sedanjosti in prihodnosti teh prostorov želimo s svojo vpletenostjo v njih gojiti določene načine medsebojnih relacij in dinamik, spodbuditi in pridodati svoj kos energije iniciativam, ki gradijo in krepijo našo gibanjsko moč in omogočajo ekspanzijo. Kljub vsem “dobrim” intencam mnogih pa brez samorefleksije v naše prostore izborjene svobode lahko tudi (ne)hote, kot produkti zoprnega sistema v katerem sicer živimo, vnašamo razdiralne prakse in odnose. Potrpežljivost skupnosti do razdiralnih dinamik je po naši oceni najpogosteje še vedno previsoka. Vztrajne izmenjave, pogovarjanje, pogajanje, samo-edukacija in osveščanje so del vsakdana avtonomnih prostorov, kot jih mi poznamo in v njih tudi sodelujemo. A žal moramo v gradnji tovariških odnosov zaupanja prepoznati tudi posameznike in skupine, ki to niso. Te vztrajno zavračajo metode razvoja skupnosti, ki omogočajo horizontalnost in gradnjo širše družbene moči, drobijo skupnost in nasploh vstopajo v naše prostore z drugačnimi agendami, ki so utemeljene na vzpostavljanju dominacije; na simbolnem, teritorialnem in/ali ekonomskem nadzoru in moči.

Kot kolektiv Komunal.org želimo delovati z in za avtonomne prostore, ki temeljijo na zaupanju, transparentnosti političnih agend in medsebojni solidarnosti. Posamezniki in tolpe, ki imajo osebne ekonomske, teritorialne, nadzorne in oblastne interese pač niso del naše vizije avtonomnih prostorov, jih zavračamo in pristopamo ob bok iniciativam, ki se proti njim borijo. Obsojamo vse metode, ki gredo z roko v roki z dominacijskimi agendami kot je fizično nasilje, targetiranje posameznikov in kolektivov z javnimi diskreditacijami, psovanjem, širjenjem laži in spodkopavanje skupne izkušnje ter privatnimi izsiljevanji, grožnjami, govoricami, cinizmi, manipulacijami itd. ne glede na to kdo, kdaj in kje to izvaja.

Avtonomne prostore razumemo kot eksperimentalne in kreativne platforme, ki so bili politično izborjene zgolj in samo z manifestirano močjo skupnosti in le ta jih lahko tudi ohrani. Ker želimo, da so utemeljeni na drugačnih družbenih odnosih moramo skozi konstantno samorefleksijo te šele ustvariti ter zgolj in samo z gradnjo odnosov medsebojnega zaupanja, lahko stopimo v nehierarhične procese resocializacije preko katerih se bo naša skupnost lahko krepila in širila.

Proti vsem oblikam dominacije tako v AT Rog, kot na AKC Metelkovi in širše v družbi.



On the negative expressions of the socioeconomic reality we live in and face within our autonomous spaces.

Our collective Komunal.org has been in its own way a part of autonomous spaces in the region and so we feel responsible to respond to the current incidents at AT Rog in order to encourage a discusion in the wider movement about our relations, and the comunity dynamics that folow.

In our present and future vision of these spaces we want to cultivate specific ways of relating to each other; with particular dynamics encourage and contribute to the initiatives that build and strengthen our movement and enable expansion. Despite the good intentions, without reflection, as products of the disgusting system we live in, we can (un)intentionally bring practices and relations that break and eventually destroy our spaces. Our estimation is that the patience of our communities around destructive dynamics is normally even to high. Persistent exchanges, conversation, negotiation, self-education and spreading of awareness are part of everyday of autonomous spaces that we know and are a part of. But unfortunately with building relations of trust, we also have to recognize that this is not always shared. We also face relations that persistently refuse the methods of building a community that would enable horizontal and wider manifestation of power; that fractur the comunity and generally enter our spaces with a different agenda - agendas based on the establishment of domination, symbolic, territorial and/or economical control and power.

As a collective we want to work with and for autonomous spaces that are based on trust, transparent political agendas and shared solidarity. Individuals and gangs that have personal economic, territorial, control and authoritarian interests have no place in our vision of autonomous spaces. We stand by side of initiatives that struggle against them. We condemn all methods that go hand in hand with agendas of domination: physical violence, targeting individuals and collectives with public discreditation, insults, spreading lies and doubt about the understanding of collective experience and private extortion, threats, spreading rumors, cynicism, manipulations ect. no matter who, where and when.

We understand autonomous spaces as experimental and creative platforms that were created through a political fight, and only by manifesting community power. Only this power can also keep it this way. Because we want them to be based on different social relations it is on us to create them through constant reflection. Only by first building relations of trust, we can enter into non-hierarchical processes of re-socialization through with our communities will become stronger and will spread.

Against all forms of domination in AT Rog, as well as at AKC Metelkova and wider in society.


Z uporabo strani komunal.org soglašate z uporabo piškotkov. - Podrobnosti.