Soočamo se z novimi vrhunci koronavirusa, depresivnim januarjem, novimi absurdi vladnih ukrepov, izdatno represijo in posledičnimi novimi vrhunci družbeno-socialnih tesnob in duševnih stisk posameznic_kov. K temu vremenska slika zagotovo ne pripomore nič dobrega.
Tiste_i, ki jih družbena situacija in sistem že tako najbolj teptata in tepeta tudi, ko so že povsem na tleh, bo tudi prihajajoči minus najbolj prizadel. Za nekatere bo ta lahko tudi usoden. Policija je nekemu brezdomcu nedavno zasegla šotor, drugim grozi za spanje v zapuščenih podrtijah in avtomobilih. Varno in toplo zavetje je osnovna potreba vseh!
V času družbeno-socialne krize se kljub jasni in vse večji potrebi mnogih po dostopni in dostojni bivalni enoti, ki pa si to v kapitalizmu in gentrificiranih mestih vse težje privoščijo, se masovno gradijo le še luksuzna stanovanja in hoteli. Dovolj! 
#StanovanjaZaVse #DomZaVse #BrezdomkeVHotele #BrezdomceVHotele


We are facing new peaks of the coronavirus, a depressed January, new absurd government measures, extensive repression and consequential highs of social anxiety and mental distress of individuals. The weather forecast certainly doesn't contribute any good.

Those who are already the most trampled and kicked by the social situation and the system, even when they are already on the bottom, will also be most affected by the coming minus. For some, it can also be fatal. Police recently confiscated a tent from a homeless person, threatening others for sleeping in abandoned wrecks and cars. A safe and warm shelter is a basic necessity of all!

In times of social crisis, despite the clear and growing need of many for an accessible and decent housing, which is increasingly difficult to afford in capitalism and gentrified cities, only luxury apartments and hotels are being built en masse. Enough!

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