(eng below)

Iz daljnih gora na jugovzhodu Mehike nas je dosegla novica o še enem oboroženem napadu paravojaških sil na zapatistično skupnost. Tokrat je bila tarča napadov avtonomna zapatistična skupnost Moises in Gandi. V napadu, ki je trajal več ur, je bilo izstreljenih na stotine nabojev, tovariš je bil huje ranjen in se še vedno bori za življenje, v zraku pa lebdi grožnja novih napadov.

Ta zadnji napad je le zadnji v vrsti napadov kapitalskih in državnih sil na zapatistične skupnosti v Chiapasu. Tudi za ta napad sta neposredno odgovorni vlada Chiapasa in mehiška zvezna vlada, čeprav so ga organizirale in izvedle paravojaške sile ORCAO (Ocosingo Regional Coffee Growers Organization).

Pridružujemo se pozivu številnih posameznikov in kolektivov po svetu, ki so izrazili podporo nacionalni in mednarodni izjavi o napadu na skupnost Moisés Gandhi iz začetka junija 2023, vključno z vsemi zahtevami, ki so v njej izražene (na spletu obiščite Camino al andar za izvirno besedilo in prevode; zapatista.kompot.si za prevod v slovenščino).

Skoraj 40 let je minilo, odkar so se uporniške skupnosti v Chiapasu podale na pot ponovne vzpostavitve življenja in avtonomije. Doslej je ta pot - med drugim - prinesla oborožen upor in vojno, predvsem pa potrpežljivo obnovo skupnosti na podlagi dostojanstva in samoorganizacije ter številna srečanja med tistimi, ki se borijo za isto. To pot lahko uberejo tudi drugi v drugih geografskih območjih, da bi povsod drugje, kjer trenutno vlada kapitalizem, razgradili njegov smrtonosni stroj. In to je skoraj po vsem svetu. Ko torej vedno znova zahtevamo takojšnjo ustavitev vojne proti zapatističnim skupnostim in sprejetje njihove avtonomije v njihovih skupnostih, je to tudi zato, ker v zapatističnem boju prepoznavamo sami sebe.

Čeprav živimo en ocean in mnogo gora stran od Chiapasa, tudi mi v svoji geografiji vidimo, da so ogroženi sami pogoji za prihodnost in življenje. Živimo v še eni fazi razpada javnega zdravstvenega sistema, v razmerah dolgotrajne in akutne stanovanjske krize, pri čemer je velik del prebivalstva podvržen siromašenju. Hkrati so nenehno na udaru same ideje o vključujočem, spoštljivem, heterogenem in miroljubnem svetu mnogoterih svetov. Ker rasizem, napadi na pravice žensk, vulgarizacija javnih in osebnih področij postajajo vse bolj normalni, se sposobnost družbe, da se jim smiselno upre, zmanjšuje.

Vidimo, da se s koncem neoliberalne dobe njene ideološke obljube povsod razkrivajo kot prazne besede. Vladajoči, ki jih zastopajo politične stranke vseh barv, se dobro zavedajo, da veliki večini ljudi ne morejo več zagotoviti ničesar . Namesto tega nam ponujajo le zaporedna izredna stanja, varčevanje, nadaljnjo privatizacijo javnih storitev, militarizacijo ter ogromno povečanje obsega in brutalnosti policijskega dela. In vojno za vse več nas po vsem svetu. Toda mi, delavci in brezposelni vseh spolov, katerih lastna prihodnost je ogrožena, vsega tega ne moremo sprejeti. Čeprav se zdi, da nas je malo, ne bomo molčali. Tudi če se bomo počutili preobremenjeni z brutalnostjo vsega, bomo še naprej sodelovali drug z drugim prek generacijskih, geografskih in drugih ločnic, da bi zgradili prostor, v katerem bomo lahko prepoznali sebe in drug drugega.

Danes, 8. junija 2023, smo se na dan svetovnega dogajanja zbrali pred konzulatom Mehike v Ljubljani, da bi izrazili ogorčenje nad vlogo mehiške države pri nedavnem napadu na zapatistično skupnost in izrazili solidarnost z ljudmi v Chiapasu.

Borbenim skupnostim v Chiapasu pošiljamo svoj objem in izraz solidarnosti. Medtem ko se še naprej ukvarjamo s svojimi neposrednimi boji, smo zavezani tudi nadaljnjemu tkanju nadnacionalne mreže upora in dostojanstva.


iz gora balkanskega severozahoda
pobuda za solidarnost z zapatističnim bojem

junij 2023

Več info: https://zapatista.kompot.si/novice/izjava-junij2023


The news has reached us from far-away mountains of the south-east Mexico about yet another armed attack of the paramilitary forces on a Zapatista community. This time the target was an autonomous Zapatista community Moises and Gandhi. Hundreds of bullets were fired in an attack that lasted for hours, a compañero has been severely wounded and is still fighting for his life, while the threat of new attacks looms heavily in the air.

This last attack is just the latest in a series of attacks of the forces of capital and the state against the the Zapatista communities in Chiapas. Also for this attack the direct responsibility lies with the Government of Chiapas and with the Federal Government of Mexico, even though it was organized and conducted by the paramilitary forces of ORCAO (Ocosingo Regional Coffee Growers Organization).

We join the call of the many individuals and collectives of the world who have expressed the support for the National and international statement on the attack on the Moisés Gandhi community from early June 2023 including all the demands that are articulated there (on the web visit Camino al andar for original text and translations; zapatista.kompot.si for translation in Slovene).

Almost 40 years have passed since the insurgent communities of Chiapas embarked on the route of the rebuilding of life and autonomy. So far this path have - among many other things - brought armed rebellion and war, but most of all the patient rebuilding of communities on the basis of dignity and self-organization and many encounters between those who struggle for same. This path can also be taken by others in other geographies in order to dismantle the death machine of capitalism everywhere else where it currently governs. And this is almost in the whole world. Thus, when we demand again and again the immediate stop of the war against Zapatista communities and the acceptance of their autonomy in their communities it is also because in the Zapatista struggle we recognize ourselves.

While living one ocean and many mountains away from Chiapas also we, in our geography see that the very conditions of future and life itself are being undermined. We are living through another stage of disintegration of public health system, in conditions of long-term and acute housing crisis, with a large part of the population subjected to impoverishment. At the same time the very ideas of inclusive, respectful, heterogenous, peaceful world in which many worlds can fit are being continuously under attack. As racism, attacks on women's rights, vulgarisation of public and personal domains become increasingly normalised the capacity of society to offer meaningful resistance decreases.

We see that with the end of the neoliberal era its ideological promises everywhere are exposed as empty words. The rulers, represented by the political parties of all colours, are well conscious of the fact that not only they cannot guarantee anything anymore to the big majority of people. Instead we are being offered only the successive states of emergency, austerity, further privatisation of public services, militarisation and enormous rise of the scope and brutality of policing. And war for more and more of us around the world. But we, workers and unemployed of all genders, whose own futures are under threat, cannot accept all that. Even if it seems we are few, we will not be silent. Even if the we feel overwhelmed by the brutality of all, we will continue to engage with each other across the generational, geographical and other divides in order to construct the space in which we can recognize ourselves and each other.

We have met today, 8th June 2023, on a day of global action, in front of Consulate of Mexico in Ljubljana to express our outrage at the role of the Mexican state in the recent attack against Zapatista community and express our solidarity with the people of Chiapas.

We send to the fighting communities in Chiapas our embrace and expression of solidarity. As we remain engaged in our immediate struggles, we also remain committed to continue weaving the transnational web of resistance and dignity.


from the mountains of the Balkan North-West,
iniative of solidarity with the struggle of the Zapatistas

8th June 2023

More info: https://zapatista.kompot.si/novice/izjava-junij2023

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