- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Protirasistična fronta brez meja
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 28 Oktober 2015
For more than a week the so-called Balkan Route is passing through Slovenia. The Slovenian government intended to impose the entrance quota of 2500 refugees per day and Croatia answered by sending the refugees and migrants over the so-called “Green” border. This controversy between Slovenia and Croatia created dire humanitarian conditions for the refugees and migrants. The Slovenian government used this self-induced humanitarian emergency and what they call a chaotic situation on the Southern border to rapidly militarize the society and call for an EU summit on the Balkan Route.
The results of the Sunday summit are measures corresponding to EU policies, meant to demolish the movement of refugees and migrants. They decided on concrete measures to slow down refugees and migrants with the intention of establishing so-called hot spots in Greece and to designate Turkey as a buffer zone for refugees and migrants. After pushing the people on their journey to freedom and a decent life in dire humanitarian conditions, they used terrible images from the Slovene-Croatian border to talk more about deportation, externalization of the repressive and violent migration regime, the selection and stratification of refugees and migrants in the process of registration of which the aim is to destroy their collective power.
We are the people daily involved in solidarity with refugees and migrants travelling through Slovenia trying to reach their final destinations. We do not see refugees and migrants as either hopeless victims or as an invasive force but autonomous people with a desire for a better life. What we are perceiving in our day to day engagements on the border is that the attitude of the Slovenian authorities leads to the dehumanization of refugees and migrants and turns this route into a total institution whose aim is to isolate refugees and migrants from the broader society and subject them to procedures of policing, selection and deportation. We also perceive that activities of solidarity by independent volunteers are more and more restricted by authorities.
We believe that the only way to address these dire humanitarian conditions of refugees and migrants is to build relations with them. The solution is not sending people back or subjecting them to a life without perspective in closed refuge centres isolated from broader society. The solution is to build a common European society together, as citizens, refugees and migrants.
We call to meet in Ljubljana, on Saturday 31 of October, 11am to participate in a transnational meeting and manifestation against the militarization of Slovenian borders and the attempts of the EU to break the movement of refugees and migrants. After the manifestation in Ljubljana, we will go together to the border as international independent volunteers to express solidarity with refugees and migrants and to build another, open Europe together.
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#openborders #noborderspower #stopmilitarization #refugeeswelcome
Tako imenovana balkanska ruta že več kot teden dni vodi tudi skozi Slovenijo. Slovenske oblasti so poskušale uvesti kvoto 2500 beguncev, ki bi jih sprejeli dnevno. Odziv Hrvaške na kvoto je bilo pošiljanje beguncev in migrantov preko tako imenovane zelene meje. Ta kontroverza je povzročila strahotne humanitarne pogoje in izredno stanje na južni meji, ki so ga slovenske oblasti izkoristile za militarizacijo družbe po hitrem postopku. Prav tako je bila »kaotična situacija«, kot jo imenujejo, povod za srečanje držav članic EU na temo balkanske rute.
Rezultati nedeljskega srečanja se povsem skladajo s siceršnjimi politikami EU, ki uničujejo gibanje beguncev in migrantov: sprejeta je bila odločitev, da naj se begunce in migrante ustavi z gradnjo zbirnih centrov v Grčiji in spreminjanjem Turčije v tamponsko območje. Oblasti so ljudi na poti v svobodo in dostojno življenje najprej porinile v strahotne humanitarne pogoje, potem pa grozljive podobe iz slovensko-hrvaške meje izrabile za govor o povečanju števila deportacij, o eksternalizaciji represivnega in nasilnega migracijskega režima ter kot opravičilo za stratifikacijo beguncev in migrantov. Skozi proces selektivne registracije poskušajo uničiti njihovo kolektivno moč.
Smo ljudje, ki se dnevno srečujemo in smo solidarni s tistimi, ki poskušajo preko Slovenije doseči svoj končni cilj. Begunci in migranti za nas niso niti nemočne žrtve niti invanzivna sila. So avtonomni subjekti z željo po boljšem življenju. Skozi svoje vsakodnevne dejavnosti na mejah zaznavamo, da vodi odnos slovenskih oblasti v dehumanizacijo beguncev in migrantov, njihovo pot pa spreminja v totalno institucijo policijskega nadzora, selekcije in deportacij ter izolacije od ostale družbe. Prav tako zaznavamo vse večje prepreke za solidarnostno delovanje neodvisnih prostovoljcev, ki jih oblasti vedno bolj omejujejo.
Verjamemo, da lahko strahotne humanitarne pogoje, v katerih so se znašli begunci in migranti, naslovimo samo skozi gradnjo odnosov z njimi. Rešitev ni niti v pošiljanju ljudi v države, iz katerih so prišli, niti v tem, da jih izoliramo v zaprte begunske centre in obsodimo na življenje brez vsakršne perspektive. Rešitev je v gradnji nove evropske družbe, katere del bomo kot državljani, begunci in migranti.
Zato pozivamo na srečanje v Ljubljani, 31. oktobra ob 11h. Mednarodnemu sestanku bo sledila manifestacija proti militarizaciji slovenskih meja in namenom EU, ki skuša zlomiti gibanje beguncev in migrantov. Po manifestaciji se bomo kot skupina mednarodnih neodvisnih prostovoljcev odpravili na meje, kjer bomo izrazili solidarnost z begunci in migranti, da bi skupaj zgradili drugo, odprto Evropo.
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