Protirasistična fronta brez meja - Antiracist March - Ljubljana
- Podrobnosti
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- Kategorija: Protesti
- Objavljeno 12 September 2015
Video from a protest, that took place on 9th of September in Ljubljana.
Protirasistična fronta brez meja
...Odločno se zoperstavljamo migracijskim politikam in praksam EU in držav članic ter vsem izključujočim naracijam, ki se oplajajo iz sedimenta nacionalnih držav. Boljše življenje si lahko zgradimo le skupaj! Namesto oviranja migrantov zahtevamo svobodo gibanja za vse. Namesto obstoječe azilne politike zahtevamo pravico do bivanja za vse. Namesto nenehnih notranjih kontrol zahtevamo varne koridorje za vse. Namesto životarjenja v pogojih nenehne krize si bomo skupaj zgradili radostno življenje.
We are strongly against the migration policies and practices of EU and its member states. We also condemn discriminative narratives perpetuating the sentiments of the national states. Only together we will build a better life! Instead of repression against migrants we demand the freedom of movement for all. Instead of the current asylum policies we demand the right to stay for all. Instead of permanent internal controls we demand safe corridors for all. Instead of miserable existence in constant crisis we will build together a joyful life for all of us...